Technomics employee owners had a kickoff for Employee Ownership month. Their focus is on People Growth and will showcase this value in upcoming Learn at Lunches and off site events. Stay tuned for a follow on post highlighting our fun and exciting events!
Technomicians celebrate People Growth for EO Month

Every October, Technomics celebrates Employee Ownership Month. This annual celebration, which consists of educational, teambuilding and fun activities, is used to share knowledge about what it means to be an employee owned company.
The theme for this year’s EO month is People Growth. This focus highlights a basic but critically important fact, which is that company growth and people growth go hand in hand. One cannot exist or sustain without the other. It explains our continuous dedication to investing not only in ourselves, but also in each other because we are a team, and most importantly a family. We care about each other and love to see all of us thrive, succeed and grow.
For this month, Technomicians fill it with Learn at Lunches about the characteristics and traits of employee owners, along with sharing personal experiences about what being an employee owner means to them and how they’ve benefited from the experience. One particular Learn at Lunch session will showcase testimonials from seven employee owners about how they have grown over the years in terms of knowledge, skills, capabilities and experiences, thus earning them greater responsibilities and promotions.
In addition to learning something new about employee ownership, there are two fun off-site team building events planned. This year the ever popular Top Golf is making a return, along with a new adventure on a Boomerang Pirate Ship Cruise.
In the spirit of employee ownership month, we will not only be highlighting jobs well done but will also announce our winners of the Technomics Cost Research Competition, as well as Employee Owners of the Year. Stay tuned for a follow on post highlighting our fun and exciting events and showcasing our winners!